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Covid variants and Amazon meat

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2021 2:29 am
by Herdmentality905
Covid-19 came from the unregulated livestock farms of the Amazon. These farms have only a recently been developed, for the American fast food industry, which brought McDonald’s to mainland China in 1990.

Smart scientifically minded people fought this terrible business move by the American fast food giant. They warned of pandemics, if you tried to feed Asian people meat raised in the Amazon. Well the pandemic has arrived, with variants to follow!

England has battled “hoof and mouth” and many other diseases caused by meat industry. Do you believe the meat could be kept safe from the Amazon to England? The answer is no!

You must stop the import of meat from the Amazon into your country, in order to stop the continued variants, which exist in the transmission chain of the international meat industry. In particular JBS, McDonald’s and Smithfield.

This is not about a bat or a virus developed in a lab. It is about man’s disgusting need for the ingestion of animal tissue, and that behavior’s karmic revenge. Pay heed to my well informed information!!